
Shapari is a computer exploration of shapes and patterns. It provides simple tools that can be used by children as young as 4 years old to produce a rich variety of abstract and fractal patterns. It also challenges visualization skills with a pattern matching game. Shapari’s chief educational value lies not in the development of specific skills or knowledge but in showing the power of the computer as a tool for exploration, experimentation and creativity. With Shapari children will discover that such pursuits can be fun.

Shapari is not a traditional drawing or paint program. Instead of offering a broad array of tools that allow you to create any drawing you conceive, it offers a limited set of simple tools that can be used to produce a surprisingly diverse range of patterns. For examples see, the Gallery below. Shapari fosters abstract thinking and the exploration of mathematical concepts. It forgoes animation and realism, instead focusing on creativity and open-ended exploration.

Shapari is designed for curious minds of all ages. Simple, directly accessible controls (no menu trees) allow the youngest users, just gaining competence with the mouse, to feel a sense of accomplishment coloring and altering shapes. Intermediate users can match computer generated patterns, create interesting patterns of their own, save, print and export them. Advanced users can design their own shape manipulators using a graphical editor and/or mathematical descriptions. These manipulators can then be applied iteratively to create fractal patterns. Shapari offers something for just about everyone.

Learning to use Shapari is easy. On-screen instructions fully explain its operation. Better still, built-in demonstrations walk through all major program features in about 15 minutes. A User’s Guide is also available.

Shapari is availble for Windows (XP or Vista). Go to the download page to obtain a copy.

Main Screen ShotGallery Screen ShotEditor Screen Shot